Empowering Your Professional Presence

A Frog Story: How a Professional Brand Works in Your Favor

Sep 04, 2024
Frog Prince

Do you know someone who collects something? 

Or maybe you, yourself collect something ....

For today's story we are going to use 🐸's and our collector is Frances.

Frances loves 🐸's, learning about them, talking about them, collecting them. 

Frances has told everyone, how much they LOVE 🐸's

It is clear to anyone in their lives that frogs are their jam! They look at them in shops, they study them, collect pictures, show you coolest  🐸's from the rain forest. 

We see a 🐸 and we automatically think of Frances.

When it is time to get Frances gift, we are never at a loss as to what to get them.

Even if Frances isn't someone we would normally buy gifts for, or someone we know well face to face, we can't help ourselves, we think of Frances and incredibly sometimes we even get a gift of a 🐸  because we KNOW they will love them and it will bring them joy.

In addition to collecting, buying and receiving  🐸's, Frances gives away frogs, to other frog lovers without being prompted because sharing their 🐸 passion is meaningful.

EVERYONE KNOWS this about Frances and all things related to 🐸's come their way, often without even being asked. 

Frances has even been asked on number of occasions to give a talk about 🐸's

What do 🐸's, have to do with cultivating career success? 

What is your career 🐸? 

Take ONE thing that you want to be known for and start talking about it.

Tell anyone who will listen, read up on it, learn as much as you can, post about it, write about it, give away everything you've you've learned and know about it. 

Product 🐸

Channel 🐸

Revops 🐸

Sales  🐸

AI  🐸

Expand the people you tell to an online platform, thereby expanding your sphere of influence. 

Pretty soon more and more people, when they hear you name will think 🐸's

When you have invested time in making sure every knows your 🐸 and you begin to build these relationships, 🐸's will start coming your way, people who don't even know you will send you 🐸 opportunities or mention your name when the subject of 🐸's comes up.  

Who knows maybe someone will EVEN ask you come and talk about your  🐸's and you will share with even more people. 

Your reputation, brand , personality and point of view will be available for even more people.

What if Frances decides to shift their passion from 🐸's to 🦓's? 

Well then everyone who has known them, interacted with them, and is a fan will know that they will approach this next chapter with the same reputation, passion, work ethic, enthusiasm and drive. 

Start building your thought leadership pathway NOW- it's a career force multiplier 

 What is your 🐸 🐸 ?

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