Empowering Your Professional Presence

Forget 6 Degrees of Separation ➡ Command Your Next Career with Content

Jun 09, 2024

Whether you are familiar with the game or the concept of 6 Degrees The fact remains ➡

✨A digital footprint will increase the speed of connecting to those that need your skills

Anyone who has looked into the “components of a successful career” can all rattle off the usual suspects - Industry qualifications & expertise, continuously honing the necessary skills, strong work ethic, perseverance, resilience in the face of challenges, goal setting planning, networking and so on.....

One crucial element that often gets overlooked is having a strong online professional presence.

Right now, your career is no longer confined to the four walls of your workplace, therefore your stories and value should not be confined by your limited F2 contact . 

The internet has blown the doors wide open, giving you an unprecedented opportunity to amplify your influence, showcase your expertise, and forge connections that can be game-changers. Yet, tragically, far too many professionals are missing out on this career multiplier.

✨ Reality check: in today's hyper-connected world, your online presence isn't just a nice-to-have – it's a career necessity.

Professionals across industries are increasingly recognizing the potent impact that a well-crafted digital footprint can have on how they talked about, their, sphere of influence, and overall career advancement.

At its core, a robust online presence serves as a powerful amplifier, allowing individuals to showcase their expertise, connect with relevant communities, and position themselves as thought leaders within their respective fields. It transcends traditional boundaries, granting access to a global audience and enabling professionals to forge meaningful connections that may not have otherwise had access to.

It's not always about who you know, but who KNOWs you and your skill set.

Underestimating the significance of your professional digital real estate, is failing to recognize that in an era where information is readily accessible and reputations are built and dismantled online, a cultivated digital presence can serve as a career multiplier, opening doors to new opportunities and elevating one's standing within their profession.

More than that is gives you the power to control your own narrative as to your career strengths and direction.

To truly capitalize on this aspect of career development, professionals must have a plan to carefully curate their online presence to align with their personal professional goals, then execute it.

Yep that's BIG Goal ➡ Take It One Step at a Time

Start with

→ Outlining your career goals

→ Identifying what problems you solve -well

→ Measuring your contributions with data

→ Identify your target for your goals - meaning who will hire you next

Once you solidify the above

Pick One Platform- Which One?

✅The one where the people you need to hear your messages are going to be.

✅ The one that is easiest for you complete, if video content isn't your strong suit, get comfortable posting content on a (mainly) non-visual platform (psst like LinkedIn)

Develop a draft capture system -

If you are anything like ideas come to when I am on something else - develop a way to capture your thoughts, they won't always be there when you are ready to develop them- An Idea Parking lot if you will.

(Access notion dashboard I created)

Set aside time to curate your ideas into content

✅ Remembering they don't have to be full blown at the start, getting deeper will come with practice

✅ Stop overthinking it, consistently communicate one unique value proposition or areas of expertise to start - 🌟Reminder you are NOT committing for life, get rolling.

Start with Making Comments

The comments that come to you when you see a post that resonates with you often lead to content (🌟add comments to content storage system).

🏆 Added bonus ➡ actively engaging with your professional network, creates visibility (you to their network and vice versa), leads to meaningful connections, starts to build your position as a reliable source of knowledge and support.

Mastering these simple components, will kickstart your pathway to a professional presence, that will amplify your impact and accelerate your career trajectory in ways that were once unimaginable.

Embrace the significance and process of a robust online professional presence, and unlock the pathway to an impactful your career and network.

I would like to hear what is holding you back? 


Originally published to LinkedIn -HERE

If you're a Growth Stage SaaS leader and you're wondering if hiring an Executive Content Curator right for you? Review Programs Here

 Check Out My Self Guided Class For anyone in any industry to Kickstart Your Influence, at your own pace

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